Good ways to present research data are important as students mostly feel bored by using traditional representation methods. Results and findings are the most sought after part of the research, so researchers should give some special attention to this part to impress viewers. The best way to impress viewers is to use new methods for data presentation. Thus, this article will discuss some fun and creative ways to present research data.

  1. How do you represent data in fun ways?

According to Mastha Beck “Having fun is not a diversion from a successful life; it is the pathway to it”. Similarly, data presentation by using fun ways not only helps presenters to enjoy their work but also makes the data easy to understand for the reader. There are so many ways to present research data, but the following are some fun ways that one can use to appeal to the readers:

  • Interactive infographic

Interactive infographics are fascinating and seek your audience’s attention. They are one of the best ways to keep the audience engaged. Especially for marketers, infographics are the best tools to present data in a way that sets them apart from the competitors selling and providing the same product and services. You can use a number of surveys and sliders so that the infographics can attract the audience and give better marketing advantages. For making good infographics, you can use numerous tools such as Adobe Illustrator, JavaScript and HTML, but some technical skills are required to use these tools for making well-interactive infographics or you can hire research paper writing service to present research data.

  • Animated infographics

Animated infographics improve the representation of research data. Animated infographics use background music and voice-over along with cartoons to show the audience how complex phenomenon happens. It is important for making complex biological phenomena easier. The combination of music and narration turns your scientific research or story into a movie and documentary that improves your work penetration in the scientific society. For making your animated research story, you can use Photoshop and Adobe After Effects. Both of these tools need proper technical skills for making animations; thus, as a beginner, you can use Visme. Visme is easy to use: you will not need any technical skills to make animations for your research by using Visme.

  • Appealing flowcharts

Flowcharts are great tools for showing the interconnectedness between the dependent and independent variables involved in research. These flowcharts are extremely valuable for teaching critical concepts and allowing researchers to make informed data-driven decisions. In dissertation or thesis writing, flowcharts help researchers logically show the connection between variables in a hypothesis to be tested through research. 

By using arrows, shapes and dotted lines, the flowchart makes learning fun for all. For making these flowcharts, you can use Adobe Illustrators, Java Script, HTML, Genially and 

  • Interactive dashboards having charts, bars and graphs

In market research, interactive dashboards are important tools that help researchers in data visualisation. It allows researchers to track, analyse and display metrics of several types of data for making informed decisions. These dashboards include charts, bars, graphs, tables and maps that allow viewers to understand the hidden story behind the data set. These dashboards are ways to present data in real-time. For creating dashboards that require coding Tableau and PowerBI are great tools (they use DAX language), while for non–coding type dashboards, you can use Polymer as well.

  • Creating informative GIFs

GIF is the contraction of graphics interchange format. It is the digital file format that reduces the image size and makes short videos. In research, where you need to give precautions, GIFs are good to alarm researchers about the potential harm they may get if the precautions are not followed. Generally, the research data representation through GIF aims to make a clear statement about something (thesis or other claims). For creating high-quality GIFs, Adobe After Effects is a good option. Adobe After Effects allows researchers to make digital effects or make dynamic graphics. If, for any reason, you cannot use Adobe After Effect to make funny GIFs for research data representation, you can also try Giphy. Giphy allows researchers, especially in the behavioural sciences, to convert images and video files into GIFs. 

All of these ways allow researchers to present data in fun ways. We call these ways of data representation funny, as in creating animations, infographics and GIFs, creators never feel bored. Similarly, they help viewers understand your statement and ideas at a single glance. Also, you can also use some creative styles to present the data in research.

2. How do you display data creatively?

Research is the lengthiest task that often seems burdensome for beginners. Creativity in academics helps the researcher better understand the concept. Thus, by using the creative means of data representations, we can display research data in a way that increases the interest of the audience in your findings. Some of these creative methods include:

2.1 Venn diagram:

A Venn diagram is a form of illustration that involves circles to show the relationships between the variables involved in a study. Overlapping parts of circles represent common traits among variables. 

2.2 Bubble Clouds:

Bubble Clouds are scattered charts, which use bubbles instead of data points. Moreover, the size and dimensions of these bubbles give additional information to viewers. Thus, Bubble Clouds are ways to represent data in an innovative style.   

2.3 Cartogram:

Cartogram is the version of maps that aim to represent data more creatively. In simple words, the Cartogram is nothing more than a map. Technically, a cartogram is a unique combination of statistical information and geographic location. These maps are usually common in geographical studies, but importing this style to represent data in other fields brings innovation to the typical style of data representation. 

Bottom lines:

Generally, students can use a number of ways to present research data. But traditionally, researchers use only a few classical methods to present research data, such as graphs, pie-chart and tables. Thus, to bring innovation or creativity to these typical methods of data representation bubble clouds, the Venn diagram and Cartogram are good options. Also, to enjoy the process of representation of research data, interactive infographics, interactive dashboards, animated infographics, and creative GIFs are important tools. 

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