The Sun and the Associated Astronomical Facts
The Sun, the largest celestial body, continues to be at the centre of the solar system. Hydrogen and helium make up the vast majority of the planetary body. The planet is 149 million kilometres away from Earth. Even though the planet is so far away from Earth, it nonetheless has a more significant impact on it than any other planet in the universe. The planet never goes into retrograde motion because it stays in a stationary position.
Every planet and astronomical body on Earth revolves around the Sun. According to the popular astrological beliefs in Vedic astrology, The Sun remains for one month in every zodiac sign. During that period, it creates the strongest influence on the planet. It takes a year to complete the creation of influence on the 12 zodiac signs.
Astrological Facts about the Sun
The following are the popular astrological beliefs regarding the Sun according to the practitioners of Vedic astrology.
Direction: East
Metal: Gold
Transit in each sign: 1 month
Day: Sunday
Gem: Ruby
Colour: Orange
Gender: Male
Temperament: Hot
Ruling body parts: Head, hair, heart, eyes, and bones
Friends: Moon, Mars, Jupiter
Enemies: Saturn, Venus
Neutral: Mercury
Exalted in: Aries 10 Degree
Debilitated in: Libra 10 Degree
Own sign: Leo
Mahadasha Period: 6 years
Mool Trikon: Leo 20 Degree
Professions: Government professionals, physicians, politicians, medicines, gold, copper, wheat, and ruby-related businesses.
Relation: Father
Astrological Significance of the Sun
In Vedic astrology, The Sun is considered the king that is at the centre of the Universe and controls it. The planet is often regarded as our natural fatter and represents the masculine force. As it is the king of the ruling planet governance and authority are associated with the Sun. It bliss the natives to be ambitious, optimistic and full of positive will to overcome challenges and attain a blissful life.
It is also symbolic of royalty and has a ruling position on the Earth, unlike other planetary bodies. The Sun is also representative of good health and well-being. The natives with a strong planetary position of the Sun often have strong characteristics and get higher positions in life. Besides, the persons are believed to share a cordial relationship with their fathers. These natives are optimistic and understanding people.
The Weak Position of the Sun in the Zodiac
The natives who have a weak position of the Sun on their zodiacs or decreased influence of the Sun for any malefic planet can be negatively influenced by the Sun. These people may face severe difficulties in life, are infirm and may face issues in family relationships. A weak position of the Sun may also lead to several health problems.
If the native has a weak Sun position on his zodiac, he can be affected by headaches, weak eyesight, baldness, bone weakness, blood circulation-related problems, and heart problems. The weak position of the planet may also result in indecisiveness and loss of energy in the native. However, a too-strong position of the planet is also adverse. It leads to an aggressive personality and such people are domineering and self-centred.
How to Get the Blessing of the Sun
The following are the astrological remedies to strengthen the position of the Sun and get the planet’s blessings.
Worship the Sun every Sunday after taking a bath. Offer prayers to him to get positive influences on the planet.
Wearing A Ruby gemstone is also an effective remedy to get the positive energy of the Sun.
Recitation of the Aditya Hridya Strota every Sunday is also an effective remedy according to astrologers.
Keep fast on Sundays to please the Sun god and gain the Sun’s spirit.
Wearing 1 Mukhi, 3 Mukhi or 12 Mukhi Rudraksha is also considered beneficial to attain the power of the Sun.
Therefore, the Sun plays the most crucial role in influencing everyone’s life. With its immense energy, the planet restores vigour and positive energy to achieve a blissful life. Contact the reputed astrologer in London to get more information about the planet's influences and astrological remedies to improve the position of the Sun.