If you live in a climate where the temperatures are extremely high, you're going to need to take good care of your air conditioning service system. It's important to check the condenser fan and evaporator, as well as other parts, to ensure that your unit is operating properly. By preventing problems later, you'll save yourself a lot of money.
Cleaning the condenser
fan and evaporator
If you are looking for
ways to increase the lifespan of your air conditioner, cleaning the condenser
fan and evaporator is a good place to start. By maintaining your air
conditioning system, you can keep your utility costs down and avoid costly
Evaporator coils should
be cleaned at least once a year. It is especially important to clean them
during the summer, because dust and debris build up on the coils, preventing
them from absorbing the heat from your home.
To clean your
evaporator coil, you need to use a soft bristle brush. You can also spray the
coil with water and a mild detergent. However, you should follow the
manufacturer's instructions to prevent damage to the fins.
Once you have brushed
and sprayed the evaporator, you should let the solution soak in. Then, you can
use a hose or shop vac to blow the cleaner out.
Be careful not to use
high-pressure cleaners to clean your evaporator coils. This can cause serious
Checking parts
that need to be checked
Checking parts that
need to be checked is a must if you want to keep your air conditioning system
running at full tilt. Your technician will need to do a complete sweep of your
air conditioner's indoor and outdoor components, as well as test the
refrigerant levels to make sure that they are in the appropriate range. Aside
from the main system, your technician should also check the motors and other
ancillary parts, including the drain line. If they are plugged, they can cause
moisture problems, which can lead to costly repairs and replacements.
You may even need a
technician to do a complete system check if you are moving into a new home. If
you have never done an inspection, you may be surprised at the number of things
that need to be addressed, from electrical connections to lubrication. It is
not uncommon for a technician to find that a single component has corroded to
the point where it is rendered useless.
Costs of air
conditioning service in extreme temperatures
While the cost of
running an air conditioning system may be off putting, the sheer number of
hours of cool air in your home is a welcome sight. The best part is that the
occupants of the house will likely thank you for it. Of course, not all of us
can be as fortunate as those in the northeast, where temps hover well above
90°F for weeks on end. And while the cost of running your system isn't out of
the question, it can be a real drag when the mercury rises. Fortunately, there
are ways to reduce your AC bill without compromising your comfort. Taking note
of the best methods for doing so can help you save both time and money.
Having a plan in place
is the first step in reducing your utility bill. Getting a handle on your
system's temperature setting and maintenance schedule is key to keeping the
family cool. Also, make sure you don't forget to turn off the AC at night to
avoid wasting energy. One tip is to always have a spare ac cylinder on hand.