The Seven Things You Should Know Before Hiring a Python Developer


Python has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years as one of the most popular languages used in the development of web applications and frameworks such as Django and Flask. This is due to Python’s versatility and ease of use, but also the growing market demand for web developers who know how to program in Python. If you’re thinking about hiring a Python developer, or if you are one, here are seven important things you should know before hiring your first Python developer.

Why Do You Need A Python Developer?

The web development industry is exploding in growth, so it’s no surprise that companies are scrambling to hire developers—especially those who have experience with specific coding languages like Python. But if you’re thinking about hiring a python developer, there are several questions you should ask before getting started. Let’s take a look at some of these queries and what they mean for your bottom line. [1] What is their hourly rate? This question may seem basic, but knowing how much you will pay per hour can help you budget accordingly. Hourly rates vary by location and skill level, but $75-$150/hour is fairly standard for experienced coders. [2] How many years of experience do they have? Experience matters because it helps ensure that your developer knows what he or she is doing.

What Type of Experience Do They Need?

If you’re looking to hire a developer with experience, then you need to make sure they’ve got several years of work under their belt. You can generally expect that your experienced developer will be able to put together fully functional applications in less time than it would take for someone without experience, so it’s worth considering what level of experience you need before proceeding.

How Much Do They Cost?

If you’re looking to hire python developers, you’ll want to make sure that your budget is properly allocated. While all developers cost money, some are more expensive than others; it’s up to you to figure out what you can reasonably afford. Asking for references can help narrow down options in terms of price and proficiency. If any of your potential choices come with a good recommendation from someone you trust, chances are they’re worth consideration for at least an initial interview.

Where to Find Them

The best place to find python developers is online. There are several sites that hire python developers including Toptal and Odesk. They will also work with you on projects outside of your business. They are not just for software development but all kinds of design, marketing, and video production jobs as well. So if you have other needs for your business, you can post them there as well. It's an excellent way to network and expand your reach within an industry. This isn't something you want to overlook or neglect because it may be able to provide you more resources than hiring in-house talent.

How to Interview Them

Interviewing is one of those things you really can’t do well unless you’ve done it before. It may seem daunting, but, as with anything else in life, practice makes perfect. If you hire often enough, there will come a time when each interview will feel less like a crapshoot and more like an exercise in confirming whether or not your gut feelings are on point. Here are some tips to help you hire Python developers:

Get Everything in Writing

This might seem obvious, but it’s surprising how many clients don’t have their services specified in writing. A verbal agreement is not worth as much as one put into writing. Make sure your contract spells out exactly what you are getting and when, who will be doing what and how much money you are paying for all of it. This is important no matter who you hire - from a freelancer on up to a large business.

Always Test Their Work

Always test and monitor your developer’s work to ensure it’s built correctly. In fact, one of the best ways to ensure that you get something great is to hold back a small percentage of your budget until their work passes rigorous testing. This way, they’ll know they’re only getting paid if they deliver something fantastic. If you don’t do so, you could end up wasting time and money by going through rounds of edits that should have been caught right off the bat.

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